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Legislation and Regulations MOVE

The following legislation and regulations are applicable to offers issued.

Lifts (Commodities Act) Decree (17 February 2016) applicable from 24 February 2016 (including Lifts Directive 2014/33/EU, valid from 20 April 2016).
Requirements from the “Manual for Accessibility”, to the extent expressly described.
NEN-EN 81-20; 2014 Safety rules for the manufacturing and the installation of lifts – Lifts for the transport of persons and persons-goods. Part 20: Persons lifts and persons-goods lifts.
NEN-EN 81-50; 2014 Safety rules for the manufacturing and the installation of lifts – Inspections and tests. Part 50: Design rules, calculations, inspections and tests of lift components.
NEN-EN 81-28; 2003 Remote monitoring for persons and persons-goods lifts.
NEN-EN 81-73; 2016 Mode of operation of lifts in case of fire.


Not included are potential costs with regard to:

Requirements from the “Manual for Accessibility”, to the extent not expressly described.
Requirements from the “Building Decree” regarding fire brigade lifts, in particular the shaft ventilation.
Locally applicable fire brigade rules.


In addition, the following recommendation is applicable:

NPR 5073 Despite the fact that the offered installation(s) belong(s) to the most soundless of its kind, we recommend that you apply at least NPR 5073 as the structural guiding principle for the minimisation of noise nuisance. For residences we recommend using at least dilated shafts if residential areas directly border the shaft(s).